The democrats have a (terrible) plan and I’m watching a LOT of people already falling for it. I see where the narrative is going, so let’s try to crush that early.
So, as most of you know, the House Republicans just recently showed their ass and passed the American Healthcare Act. At least 97.3% of the likely audience for Angry Black HoeMo can reach a general agreement on how evil and utterly shitty the republican party is, so I can save that rant for another day. You know why we’re here…democrats.
Before democrats & liberals go all in on suckling at their party’s tit behind this AHCA mess, let’s be perfectly clear that the democratic party wanted this to happen. Full-stop. No ifs, ands or buts about it. The very minute that the AHCA passed, note how democratic representatives reacted:
Add to that, this spiel from Nancy Pelosi:
Pelosi on the “spontaneous” singing today.
— Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) May 4, 2017
This…isn’t the reaction of a party that’s in touch with the people it purports to serve. And more so, this isn’t the reaction of reasonable humans who know that this sewer of a country just took a big step towards making (already inadequate) access to healthcare exponentially worse for millions.
Never mind that democratic representatives could’ve done a hell of a lot more to fight this bill. Their reactions to the AHCA’s passage have been less outrage and determination to fight for constituents who stand to be ruined by this legislation, and more celebratory that they feel this has secured them the majority for 2018. That’s what they’re truly about, here…securing votes and keeping their jobs + regaining the majority. The democratic party is toothless in the political game. This is mostly because they’re as complicit in white supremacy as republicans, but also because they have no identity or core message beyond “The republicans are worse than us!” From same-sex marriage, to Trans rights, to immigration, to labor & employment issues, every political position they take is in response to republicans and trying to get more votes than them so they can keep their jobs. They’re playing a team sport and they wanna win. Dassit.
Now, I know some people might respond by saying that getting the majority is the first step to getting things done, but a few things to consider:
1) Last time democrats had the majority, they scoffed at single payer and bound us to insurance companies, in the first place (and bear in mind that, even with the ACA, decent healthcare is still inaccessible for most people…also bear in mind, health insurance is not interchangable with health care)
2) Nancy Pelosi has already been asked about single payer on the democratic party platform in 2018 and she gave a resounding No
3) Democrats are spineless, as a general practice
The juxtaposition of how democrats constantly cower and back away from putting up a real fight against republicans (which I’ve discussed before), and their total lack of an identity beyond being less bad than the opposition, is nothing short of amusing. Their entire image is wrapped around being the less shitty option, but they can only express that passively, by sitting on their hands and playing nice while allowing the GOP to run roughshod. Granted, a key part of why democrats are passive is because they’re active participants in white supremacy & capitalism, but this is amusing, all the same.
And just to be clear, the onus for this shit show of a bill falls on the GOP, first and foremost and they deserve to be properly dragged for it (including losing their jobs). I just need people to understand that we’re not likely to see some magic fix if democrats get congressional majority back.
…OK, sure…100% down to get the republicans out…but, I mean…WTF is putting more of you spineless hacks in their place supposed to do?
— Let Him Eat Cakes (@angryblackhoemo) May 4, 2017
…and yes, if…democrats are weak as fuck, so we can’t be too sure. Most of ‘Murica was certain Donald Trump wouldn’t make it past the primaries, so… ?☕️
P.S. Two words: Term. Limits.
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n says
So so so much all of this. And term limits would be fantastic. Sometimes it’d also be nice to make all political positions a well-paid civic duty, so we also end up with a nice combination of people from varying backgrounds instead of this very specific subsection of the population. (With some form of an option to opt out, if you very much don’t want to participate.)
But then I also remember my family members and how gross they are in terms of marginalised people. They could barely handle existing with each other; I don’t want them to even attempt politics.
Helen says
Thinking about this. It occurs to me that your premis-the Democratic Party wanted AHCA- could explain why the Party promotes Sansers over Clinton & Obama.
And why it attacks them rather than aggressively pursue Russian & FBI interference in the 2016 election.
We didn’t lose the White House. We were the victims of a coup d’ etat.
Angry Black HoeMo says
I think painting democrats as any kind of victim is laughable, but…if you say so. ?
duffsovietunion says
Good post.
I think the other problem with the Democrats is that they’re incentivised to keep their base poor and dependent on them, because once they’re financially independent they start voting Republican.
This has been shown with the rise of nationalism across Europe which has much less inequality and a larger safety net.
People vote Dem out of economic self interest. Once that’s not an issue, they vote based on other stuff. Like racism / nationalism.
Also, I know you’re talking about the Dems here, but the issue you mention is even worse with Republicans. Most of their base believe in literally nothing except pissing off liberals and leftists. I’ve half jokingly said that if the Democrats want to stop racial / sexual discrimination they should come out in support of it and Republicans will do the opposite out of spite. And probably be more successful at it.